40 year old Ghulam Shabeer is a resident of Chappar Graan village. His father was a tailor and he trained Ghulam Shabeer from an early age. Shabeer took over the shop when his father passed away a couple of years ago and unfortunately, he barely earned enough to manage the shop and his house expenses. Out of his five children, three of them attend school and he is immensely proud of that.
He often works late in the night since he is unable to employ anyone else to help him with the work. It was while he was stitching at night that he noticed he was unable to see properly from his right eye. He went for a checkup and was diagnosed with cataract. He was told that the surgery would cost RS. 25,000, an amount that Shabeer did not have. He continued working as best as he could but eventually his eyesight got so bad that his customers started complaining at the late deliveries. Fortunately, one of his customers came to his rescue and told him about a free eye care hospital, LRBT Mansehra.
Shabeer with hope in his heart went for a checkup and was given a date for surgery. He had a successful surgery and thanked the doctors profusely at the post op checkup for saving him from a life of destitution and dependency. He hopes that LRBT will continue to do the great work they are for the poor people of Pakistan.