This year has been challenging but it is through such trials and tribulations that we learn to appreciate the goodness of life.
We are celebrating getting this far, in our 35th year of service and despite the challenges bought on by the pandemic, your support enabled us to carry out our mission of giving the gift of sight.
Our 2020 milestones

Thank you to our doctors and nurses
This year, more than ever, we have relied on the support of our doctors and nurses.
Nurse Daisy Bhatti is one such veteran, a single working woman making ends meet. When her eyesight started to deteriorate, she sought help at our sister charity LRBT. Surgery taking only half an hour restored her sight, yet, if left untreated, she would have gone blind.
There are many like Daisy who do not have enough savings when a problem like illness hits them. Without help they can spiral into poverty. That’s why your donations are so important!
We would like to wish you a very happy new year! May the new year bring health and prosperity for everyone around the globe.