90% of the world’s blind live in the developing world. 18.7 million people in Pakistan are either blind or have impaired vision; of these 2.6 million are children Tragically the suffering of 80% of them is needless as they suffer from conditions which can be prevented or cured In this dark …
News & Events
2012 annual review
There are 12 million people above the age of 60 in Pakistan of which around half are either blind or visually impaired. Blindness and impaired vision increases with age: To illustrate prevalence of blindness increases from 0.4 % of the population in 30-39 age bracket to 6.1% in the 60 -69 year …
2011 annual review
Pakistan is a male dominated society where women have the last call on family resources. Their health care needs have lesser priority and as 2/3rd of the population lives around the poverty line there is never any money to get them treated. Women are the anchor of the family. Download to read …