Adnan Aziz, 30 lives in a small town of Tando Mohammad Khan. Life is a struggle for him every day but he faces the challenges with a strong will. He is a cheerful individual who is full of life; also keen to help others. His family compromises his wife, child, three unmarried sisters, and an elderly mother. Being the only son and sole bread winner of the family, the entire responsibility of his large family rests solely on his shoulders.
Adnan is a rickshaw driver earning approximately Rs. 10,000/- per month and with this limited income he is barely able to lay food on the table. His father died when he was very young and since his childhood he has been doing odd jobs for the survival of his family. Recently, to add to his problems, his vision started to deteriorate. He continued to drive the rickshaw as that was the only source of income for this family but he became cautious while driving and kept his speed to a minimum to avoid any accidents.