Hassan’s future is bright now! It’s been a month of celebration at GLT; we are proud to announce that we have achieved another milestone of treating 49 million patients. 3 year old Hassan came to LRBT and was diagnosed with a form of eye cancer. Little Hassan's father Umair is a technical …
48 millionth patient treated – Kashif Ali
Born and raised in Khairpur, 25 years old Kashif and his family moved to Karachi five years ago in hopes of a better life. Kashif is third amongst his 5 siblings, yet the most responsible one. From a young age he would come back home from school and help his mother with household chores. He would …
47 millionth patient treated – Rehmat Rasool
Eyes are the most precious of our senses, yet we often neglect their care and this negligence canlead to lifelong blindness. Little Rehmat, just 8 years old, faced such an ordeal when what startedoff as a simple case of itching in his left eye led to his cornea being damaged for life.Hailing from …