LRBT’s 42nd million patient, Ali from Multan, is one of the 3 million children for whom LRBT is the only hope to see. Two years ago, only 6 at the time, Ali lost his eyesight while playing cricket in his neighborhood. Local doctors and home remedies worsened the case and eventually he lost his …
LRBT Newsletter
LRBT Newsletter Jan – March 2019
LRBT’s 19 hospitals all across Pakistan have state-of-the-art equipment that is used to diagnose and treat various eye diseases. The equipment is quite expensive and it is only through the help of kind donors that we are able to acquire it. Despite being an NGO we offer cutting-edge technology …
LRBT Newsletter Oct – Dec 2018
LRBT recently treated its 40 millionth patient and has impacted the lives of millions more by enabling the treated to go back to leading fulfilling lives. Read more here. …