Bakhtawar, a thirteen-year-old patient from Sakro, spends her days working rather than attending school. The family works all day to keep a roof over their heads, with Bakhtawar helping her parents tend to a small patch of farmland and her father taking on an additional job as a rickshaw driver to …
55 Millionth Patient Treated – Bakhtawar
Meet Bakhtawar, a 13-year-old from Sakro, who spends her days working to support her family instead of attending school as her parents lack the means to enroll her in school. Bakhtawar has been struggling with weak eyesight but her parents couldn't afford an eye examination. A light reflection in …
Video message from Dr Noaman Sanni, President of LRBT USA
NEW VIDEO MESSAGE: Give the Gift of Sight Please take a moment and listen to Dr. Noaman Sanni, President of LRBT USA, talk about the importance of supporting people with visual impairment in Pakistan. Currently there are over 20 million people in Pakistan who are either blind or have impaired …